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Jupiter 23:57 29 Sept 2012 from Beckenham

Started by The Thing, Sep 30, 2012, 16:47:54

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The Thing

SPC880 flashed to SPC900 with Revelation IR/UV filter. Baader Neodymnium 2" filer in Moonfish 2" ED Barlow on LX90 8" SCT. Captured using Sharpcap.

The dark bands are really prominent this year. Amazing. Can't wait until later in the month when Jupiter will be up all night instead of having to wait until midnight. I have captures to 2am to process, those should be even better.

Sharpcap Settings
[Philips SPC 900NC PC Camera]
Frame Divisor=1
Frame Rate (fps)=10.00
Colour Space / Compression=YUY2


Wow - first Jupiter of the season! 
Good contrasty image and you also captured the red spot.

What was the seeing like?

The Thing

The seeing was a bit ropey for this image as Jupiter was only +20 altitude. I am hoping later AVIs are better. The mount was guided for this one and not for later AVIs, previously I have had better results if I don't guide, so don't really know why I did!

BTW this was stacked in Registax 6.


That's a good start for the first Duncan and the colours look good.  A but blurred but then it's good practice for later in the year.



Despite being a bit blurred there is some good detail there.  Looks like red spot junior is in conjunction with the GRS from the shape of it.

Look forward to the other stacks.



Quote from: The Thing
The seeing was a bit ropey for this image as Jupiter was only +20 altitude.

This year and next, Jupiter is approx 60 deg high when it crosses the meridian.  This is similar to the height of the midsummer sun.  We just need some decent winter nights of good seeing!


Nice Dunc. Festoons showing nicely as well. Good one, John.


Great Jupiter Duncan you are certainly on a roll!
It is healthier to be mutton dressed as lamb, than mutton dressed as mutton!