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M82/M82 and IFN

Started by RobertM, Apr 19, 2010, 21:20:27

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This is the M81/M82 area as a widefield showing the Integrated Flux Nebula.  The IFN is a vast sea of nebulosity at high galactic altitudes that's illuminated by the combined light of stars in the Milky way.  This is just a first cut and I hope to get a better image out when I have more time.

Details: FLI ML8300/Canon 200L@f3.2, 57 x 300s and binned 2x2 in MaximDL

Here' the link to the full size version: http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4063/4535306449_e6bfb34cae_o.jpg

Rocket Pooch

I like that, me and Mac were looking at examples of it on Saturday, cool isn't it.


Yep, certainly makes it more interesting but it really needs a combination of 10min and 3 min subs plus a lot more of them to get it right.


I like that.  I had really never heard of the IFN until you mentioned it just before Kelling.  I'm surprised by how much you managed to capture.  Very nice.


Rocket Pooch


Hmmm, yes I did see that one.  He's really pushed the data to the limit (and maybe a bit beyond) ... mine may not be quite that good  :(


Robert that is great!!! Nearly fainted when I saw the other one, thought Chris had done it!!!!!!
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