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Stepping down in 2015

Started by Mike, Apr 08, 2014, 08:37:25

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As some of you already know from the AGM I will be stepping down from the Committee in 2015. We will therefore need a volunteer for Observing Officer prior to February 2015 to take over then.

I also do a few other jobs that are not part of the Observing Officers role but which also need volunteers for. These jobs can either be taken up individually or as a whole by someone. You do not need to be on the committee to carry out these jobs and they don't necessarily have to be done by the Observing Officer either:

Production of TOAST (Quarterly)
Production of OAS Calendar (Annually)

These jobs can be taken over by anyone at any time and not necessarily as of February 2015.

I will of course provide all documents, templates and assistance with producing these as well as the Observing Officers presentations and show you where I get the information from, etc. I'm happy to give lessons at my house or yours.

None of these are particularly hard nor do they take up a great deal of your time. It usually takes me no more than 2 hours to do the presentation (monthly), produce TOAST (quarterly) and to produce the Calendar (annually).

If you need any further info. please let me know.



We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology. Carl Sagan


Has any thought been given to job carving this even further to try and encourage more volunteers?

For example, within the observing officer role there are a number of jobs, not all of which need to be done by the same person and some of which may be suited to existing active members in those events/activities based upon current active attendance or skills ie
1. Setting the dates for observing nights and deep sky camps. Goes well with item 5.
2. Orgainising the observing nights including being a key holder for High Elms. Would suit someone who regularly attends.
3. Organising and attending the deep sky camps. Would suit someone who regularly attends.
4. Organising and hosting the Imaging sessions. Would suit one of the current active imagers.
5. Preparing and presenting the monthly What's Up Observing guide. As Mike said at the last meeting, would suit anyone with an interest.

Plus TOAST and the Calendar which have already been separated.


Just a reminder that we now have just 4 months left until I step down in February 2015.

We have volunteers for both the Calendar and TOAST now so it is just the Obs. Officer role left to fill.

If anyone is willing to volunteer for Observing Officer, or knows someone who may be interested, please let me know.

You do not need to know anything about the night sky. The minimum requirements are a) To turn up at observing evenings with the key and b) Encourage the membership to observe the night sky. How you do that doesn't need to be the same as I have done it, you can fulfill those requirements any way you wish. Nothing is set in stone.

I am more than willing to assist anyone who takes over for the first few months until they settle in and teach them whatever they need to know.

We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology. Carl Sagan


What about the monthly observing officer presentations Mike and co-ordinating DSC?



They are not a part of the job. They are an added bonus. Sure it would be nice if someone did a presentation each month but it isn't a specific part of the role.

DSC's have nothing to do with the observing officer, they were originally organised by Greg who started them and who has never (or not in my time) been an Obs Officer. I just ended up doing it. Anyone can do that. DSC's are not even an official part of the society, again they are an added bonus.
We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology. Carl Sagan


I suggest divvying out separately the roles of monthly observing, DSCs, Imaging and "the presentation", all of which could be done by different people without having an official Observing Officer.


That would work. However, you would still need volunteers and it's hard enough just getting people to agree to something as easy as pouring cups of tea each month.
We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology. Carl Sagan


Quote from: Kenny on Oct 25, 2014, 22:17:47
I suggest divvying out separately the roles of monthly observing, DSCs, Imaging and "the presentation", all of which could be done by different people without having an official Observing Officer.

Removing an elected Officer from the Committee ?  :o

Imaging Sessions and DSC's are not of interest to the membership as a whole and mostly followed by those on the forum.
Perhaps these could be left to the interested parties to arrange (or not) via the forum - uDSC's as an example.

We've been spoilt by graphic presentations over the past few years but the information can just as easily verbally related from a sheet of paper - remember that stuff ?
Jeff used to do a great job.
Growing Old is mandatory - Growing Up is optional


Just a reminder that it is now just 3 months left till I step down and you will end up with no observing officer unless we have a volunteer.

TOAST and the Calendar have now been handed over to people so they are no longer part of the role


We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology. Carl Sagan



Only 2 months till I step down and still no volunteer.

No Obs. Officer means no Observing Evenings and no Obs. Officers presentation.

We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology. Carl Sagan


Final Reminder.

It is now just 1 month to go till the AGM when I step down from Observing Officer and Committee. We have yet to have anyone step forward to volunteer.
We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology. Carl Sagan


I am pleased to announce that we finally have a volunteer for Observing Officer which will be announced and voted on at tonights AGM.


We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology. Carl Sagan