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Old: How to submit images to the OAS Gallery

Started by Rick, Sep 09, 2004, 19:04:00

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If you want to share your images with a wider audience, then why not submit them to the OAS gallery? All recognisably astronomical images  submitted will go into the gallery archive, and a selection go onto the main OAS website.

Send submissions in an email to gallery@orpington-astronomy.org.uk. Please provide information about the image in the email, preferably formatted something like this. (Replace the "[text]" with appropriate information.)
To: gallery@orpington-astronomy.org.uk
Subject: Gallery submission

File: [Name of file]
Title: [Short title]
By: [Your name]
Date: [The date (and time) the image was taken *]
Description: [A reasonable description of the image,
  which may go on to several lines, or even a few
  paragraphs. *]
Tech: [Technical details about how the image was made.
  This may also be quite long, if you like]
Homepage: [If you would like a link from the OAS site
  to your own astronomy web page then please give its
  URL and title here.]

* These two bits of information are essential.

Please avoid putting text in the images themselves. A date, time and your name is fine, but reams of explanation just make the image file bigger, and can be hard to read...

Your image should be in JPEG, PNG or GIF format and, ideally, no bigger than 670x670 pixels (though occasionally an image up to 800x800 may be considered). Please also make the file as small as you can manage without compromising the quality. Smaller files stand a better chance of being placed on the main site. Larger files may only be placed in the gallery archive site. For use on the website, JPEG is best.

Please give the image file a meaningful name as follows to cut down on the risk of file-name collisions and make the archive easier to manage:
1) Start the name with your initials.
2) Follow that with something descriptive.
3) Include a date if possible.
4) Use underscore "_" if you like, but please do NOT use spaces in filenames!

Either attach your image to an email, or include a URL from which it can be fetched.

The copyright of your image remains with you, but by submitting it to the OAS Gallery, we assume you are giving us permission to use it on the OAS websites.


And don't forger folks, you can post images to the gallery and once they are there point to them rom the forum, see mu NGC7000 or IC1396.


That's Ok if they're your own images and you're linking them here in the forum, but if you're going to link to the images elsewhere I'd prefer you to link to the containing page (eg http://gal.orpington-astronomy.org.uk/gal128.html ) rather than to the image itself (eg http://gal.orpington-astronomy.org.uk/large/PW_NGC2244_ha.jpg ). That way the image credits and explanations don't get lost.


I've updated these instructions a bit. I've taken out the bit about thumbnails, as I've got a handy way of producing them myself.


For now this system will remain in place, but we have some new ideas for using the new webspace. Any OAS members wishing to help shape these ideas, please drop me an email or a PM.


The old static gallery will (probably) not have any more images added to it.

There's a new gallery just about ready for folks to check out...