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Deep Sky Camp - July 20th to 23rd

Started by Mike, Jul 17, 2012, 07:36:34

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Quote from: mickw
What's an "Olympics" ?

I believe it's something to do with an Alien Spaceship landing somewhere near Stratford.  It's very hush hush and there's been a huge cover up.  A private security firm has been removed to stop the story leaking out (don't believe the pretext story about lack of supply of guards) and they hastily sent the army instead to guard what's going on there.  A no-flight zone has been imposed which is being policed by fighter jets and hastily assembled rocket launchers.  Huge villages of army tents have been erected and no-one can get near the landing site now.  I also think the aliens have special dietary requirements because they're sending bus loads of athletes into this heavily guarded place.  They seem to go in willingly because no-one has told them they are being fed to aliens.  Suffice to say, none have re-emerged from this place.  The aliens have a voracious appetite so special road lanes have been dedicated just so they can get sufficent bus loads of alien "food" into the area.  I dread to think what other demands the aliens will make.

But I think word has got out because Boris Johnson is warning that 1 million extra visitors will be flocking to London just to see if they can get sight of it.  They'll probably end up being eaten alive.

I think the Opening Ceremony is where the aliens publically reveal themselves to the world for the first time.  News networks are being hastily assembled in place so this unveiling can be broadcast globally to the whole human population.

And you would happily miss this for a DSC???


 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:that is so good Mark, very funny!!!

well after all the hoo ha, i don't want to miss it
It is healthier to be mutton dressed as lamb, than mutton dressed as mutton!

Tony G

Quote from: mickw on Jul 18, 2012, 08:08:55
What's an "Olympics" ?


Your not allowed to use the word "O****ics" or "Twe**y Twe*v*" and a long list of other words, so can you please can you use the words "Expensive event that will be paid for by Londoners, for the rest of the country"
I'm glad I moved to Kent. ;)


Tony G
"I'm normally not a praying man, but if you're up there, please save me Superman." - Homer Simpson



Quote"Expensive event that will be paid for by Londoners

I suppose that would be why everybody down here is looking forward to it  :)
Growing Old is mandatory - Growing Up is optional

Rocket Pooch

I'm not a Londener any more, and 30% of the people who live in London have not been born in the UK.


QuoteYour not allowed to use the word "O****ics" or "Twe**y Twe*v*" and a long list of other words

Sort of, the only protected words under the act are.

For the purposes of this Act each of the following is a protected word, namely,
"Olympiad", "Olympiads", "Olympian", "Olympians", "Olympic" and "Olympics".


"Olympic motto" means the motto of the International Olympic
Committee, "Citius, altius, fortius";

"Olympic symbol" means the symbol of the International Olympic
Committee, consisting of five interlocking rings;

If you want the full act.

but they cant do anything if you have registered any of the above before the date of the Act.

I think the ground is going to be very very soft, and not being much of a betting man, there will probably be a few cars stuck.
The reason im saying this is we had an Olympic Olymipc-s 'see what i did there, that word's not on the band list' on Sunday, and even then the cars were leaving giant furrows in the ground and that was pretty squelchy.

Even under foot we were sinking.



Quote from: Mac
If you want the full act.

You ***really**** think that's going to scare off those Olympic Athlete eating aliens?

You can quote the Act at them till you're blue in the face.  Do you think they'll care?  They've travelled 100 light years to subjugate us.  A bit of government paper is not going to stop them.  No-one seems to understand the mortal danger this planet is in!!!   All will become clear next Friday.  Lucky for Space Dog - he's got a delivery of 100 tons of concrete to hide under.  The rest of us weren't so forward looking ...

Tony G


I make you right, flashing an Act of Parliament at them will not deter these Aliens, I mean they, like you say, have traveled light years to be here, we can't even stop the Aliens from Sangatte.  :!

Tony G
"I'm normally not a praying man, but if you're up there, please save me Superman." - Homer Simpson


So what is the verdict? Jackie at Rother Valley needs to know if we are coming this weekend or next weekend.

We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology. Carl Sagan


Personally I'd prefer Blacklands on this occasion as Rother is damp at the best of times let alone after all this rain. 
Next weekend it is a waxing gibbous Moon and about 1am before it sinks. 

Therefore my vote is for Blacklands this weekend.


The Thing

My preference is for Rother Valley Campsite this weekend as it's darker, it will be moonless and the sun is shining. 8)


well because of the weather, I am not geared up for this week. I want to see the opening ceremony next week. So it seems I will miss this months   :cry:

However, i will visit on the saturday if at Rother
It is healthier to be mutton dressed as lamb, than mutton dressed as mutton!

Rocket Pooch

There is a beer festival near blacklands this weekend, not sure you want to be there this weekend.


I prefer this weekend though I'll only bring the solar scope 'cos it looks to be cloudy at night :-(

Next weekend will be plagued by moon.

Sunday and Monday are both predicted to be clear - typical!