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Visit to MSSL Dorking.

Started by doug, Jan 31, 2011, 07:58:18

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     I have contacted the Mullard Space Science Laboratory people again and have requested times for a visit on one of their open days.  When I have further information, I will post any replies on this section.  I will also be putting the "interested parties" list out at the next meeting, the AGM, as well as the list for the Bletchley Park visit.


Always look on the bright side of life ...


Have we got any dates (or approximate dates) for these Doug?



     When I get the times of their open days and the date, I`ll let everyone know.  It will probably be September -ish... at a guess.
Always look on the bright side of life ...


     Just to put those who are interested in this visit in the picture, I have today sent an e-mail to the MSSL requesting information.  I will put any upcoming information about the visit on this topic.  I hope to finalise a visit in the near future, hopefully in September,  but I will have to wait on a reply.

Always look on the bright side of life ...


Thanks for sorting these visits out Doug. I've stickied this, and the Bletchley visit so it stays at the top.


     The MSSL have replied and said that they may have an open day in August or September.  I will keep trying to get any further information so that I can post it.

     Thanks for "sticky-ing" the posts Ian, and I believe Rick replaced them under the correct heading... thanks again.

Always look on the bright side of life ...


I am still trying to finalise the MSSL visit and at last things are starting to move along.  We hopefully will be attending with some members from the South Downs Astronomical Society, but the dates suggested by MSSL are between the 3rd - 6th October.  Now, I realise that lots of people are going to work, but these dates might mean that the personnel there may be able to give a talk or two hence these dates, as they are a working establishment.

I shall need to know people who wish to go and will put another list on the table at the next Meeting.  Obviously the existing list applied to a weekend visit, so all those interested in the new times,  please put your names down.  If the numbers are insufficient, the visit may have to be postponed until next year.

Always look on the bright side of life ...


I'd be interested in going day time 3 - 6 October if that's what you mean Doug.
Or if you are referring to evenings  I can do 5th or 6th (4th is an observing evening).



Put me down for a Yes,




    I will announce the latest information that I have at the Meeting tonight.  Not a lot but times and dates of the proposed visit.  And will put a list on the table for people to write their names on who wish to go.

Always look on the bright side of life ...


     I have sent of the details of the numbers who wish to visit MSSL this morning.  I forgot to mention that they can supply tea and cakes for about £2.50, should you want them.  So those who may be `ungry and thirsty may be catered for.......

     I also asked if we can have a tour of the facilities, but will have to wait to find out if it`s okay.

     Keep an eye on the Forum for more information........  :o

Always look on the bright side of life ...


     At long last .....................  :roll:

     The visit is on to MSSL for the 5th October 2011.  I would suggest we meet at the "Royal Oak", Holmbury St Mary, RH5 ( is part of the postcode) at about midday.  Those who wish to can have a meal in the pub .... quite good .... and then we can moosey on up to the establishment.  They have suggested that we arrive there at 13.30 hrs (`arf parst wun for those non-military personnel).  There will be a talk and a tour and tea if you want to imbibe.  Should be a good day; it was the last time we were there in 2008.

     Hope that this meets with everybody`s agreement and enjoy!

     Doug.  :D
Always look on the bright side of life ...


what are their views regarding photography ect?



Many thanks for your hard work on this Doug, I know it's been quite difficult trying to organise this one being reliant on having to co-ordinate with another astro group.



     Mac... I didn`t ask about taking photographs.  Suggest you take you camera just in case.

Always look on the bright side of life ...