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Transit of Venus Movie

Started by Rocket Pooch, Jun 13, 2004, 01:08:00

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Rocket Pooch


I've put together my frames to produce a Windows Movie of the transit.  I'll do some individual frames etc later, but I thought this would be different :smile:

It's located at http://www.jumpers4goalposts.org.uk/astronomy_index.htm

Cunningly entitled "The Transit of Venus Movie here!" it's 450k long and compresses all 6 hours into 1.5 minutes.

Have fun.

[ This Message was edited by: csuddell on 2004-06-12 17:15 ]


6 hrs. well spent I'd say! Shame the CCD was saturated at the start.



Which codec have you used? Can't seem to get this system (at work) to play it...

Rocket Pooch

Don't know its just a windows movie file :smile:


This Windoze machine looked at it and said "Nope. Not playing that." Which version?


if you're using *nix then you're probably stuffed. I suspect it's using a version 9 codec with all of the DRM stuff in it. Unfortunately either Chris'll have to repost it using a public codec or you'll have to install windows Rick. Probably just after you've gouged your eyes out with a large wooden spatula.

Chris, what tool did you use to build the movie?

Just re-read your reply Rick. That windoze machine needs updating with the latest wmv v9 codec. Media player might go and get it itself, alternatively download it here http://www.softpedia.com/public/cat/11/2/5/11-2-5-22.shtml

[ This Message was edited by: Ian on 2004-06-14 16:32 ]


This machine (at work) has WMP7 installed. Guess it's too bad, then.


Ah. Cheers. Our nice helpful notwork security audit folk had turned off the codec-download option...

Rocket Pooch

I'll change it soon then to an older version :smile:

I think I just need to export it differently.


Once I subverted the security setting it downloaded a codec and ran just fine.


of course, as a sometime security consultant I'll ignore your suggestion that you chose to circumvent your employers security policies...



Oh, the setting's back where it was now, but there's (hopefully) an extra codec loaded for another time...


...and the automatic security audit thing at work is brain-dead anyway. It has very fixed ideas about settings. Try to get it to run the virus scanner more than once in a day? Or at a more appropriate time of day? Nope. It'll delete the additional scans and reset the scan time to the one it thinks is sensible. Trouble is, that's when my machine is usually switched off.