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Software problems with hanging and disconnecting

Started by Carole, Sep 04, 2012, 09:15:23

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I thought i had better put this in a separate thread.

I did continue to get problems with Artemis software last night.  

Cooling worked fine this time, but the software kept hanging and at one time disconnected altogether and I could not get it to connect to the camera for over half an hour.  Nor in Maxim.  

Device Manager said the camera was there.  I removed USB cable, re-started laptop, changed USB ports, it told me that the Atik383 had been installed OK.  Re-installed drivers with those supplied with the camera, but nothing would work.  So much for warming the camera up slowly when the software just disconnects itself and you can't re-start it.  

Eventually it did just spring into life.

One other possibility is that I am wondering whether I have a dodgy USB cable as the one supplied with the 2nd hand camera appeared to be brand new as it was in a sealed packet.  Additionally I was plagued with spiders last night and at one point I lifted the laptop so that the light behind could shine on said spider, and Artemis seemed to be affected, can't remember now whether it just hung or disconnected.  

Lastly the laptop kept telling me to use a faster USB and gave me some options but all the options seems to be pointing towards one of 12 USB ports which I don't actually have (I took screen shots (on the laptop at present), this was why I tried different USB ports of which I only have 3.

I am going to try a different USB cable (it looks just like the one in my QHY5), should I try that cable and see whether that works OK as I know that cable works fine?  I assume that any USB cable provided it has same size plugs are intercompatible.

Sorry for long blurb.



Tried the QHY5 USB cable this evening to do flats, and Bias etc, and it worked fine. 

Will pursue this course of action, but need to find another USB cable as can't use the QHY5 one for both.


Rocket Pooch

This is new chatting to yourself on a forum?  Last week you hijacked yourself, hmmmm  :squirrel:


Written for any-one who is reading Chris. 



OK scrub this thread.  Tried a different USB cable and had no problems at all last night.  Fingers crossed.
