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Networking your observatory or set up via TeamViewer

Started by Carole, Dec 06, 2011, 15:42:09

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oh so you just click on UVNC as normal, & don't connect to the internet? i never used a long cable for it, did it wireless.
It is healthier to be mutton dressed as lamb, than mutton dressed as mutton!


Well I say that theoretically Fay, but I have just tried UVNC myself and can't get to work in any way shape or form, on or off the internet - even though it was working Friday when Phil came, and it's not my dodgy laptop ethernet port this time as I'm using the desktop.  But Teamviewer works fine.

I don't know what it is with UVNC but I have had nothing but problems with it right from the start, works when it feels like it.  It can't be because it has the wrong settings as it was working fine on Friday. 

I'm going to give it one more try.  Then sticking to Teamviewer.


The Thing

Quote from: Carole on Dec 11, 2011, 16:59:12
It can't be because it has the wrong settings as it was working fine on Friday. 
But you have created a new additional network with your mains thingy attached to your router so I would expect IP addresses need to be changed.


Quote from: PhilB on Dec 11, 2011, 12:26:15metering that was fitted with a transponder that could be accessed over the mains distribution network

Aye, I've heard it rumoured that this is behind OFCOM's la-la-la-we-can't-hear-you attitude to complaints about PLA interference; if they act against PLAs for causing interference then they'll catch this type of "smart metering" in the same net, and there's Big Money (tm) behind it...


QuoteBut you have created a new additional network with your mains thingy attached to your router so I would expect IP addresses need to be changed.
They were changed on Friday and all was working with router and "mains thingy. Nothing has been altered since then.



oh dear, i wondered if the different systems would clash!
It is healthier to be mutton dressed as lamb, than mutton dressed as mutton!


I don't think they clash Fay, had both of them running on Friday but today I can only get Teamviewer working.

Nothing has been changed since then.



Have you tried to use Teamviewer Fay?

I've had a hilarious evening using it as a sort of team conference with some of the the lads and lasses on Astronomy Shed Forum.  One person demonstrating processing while the rest of us were watching putting in typed interjections every now and then, and in the mini chat, some people were wanted to stop for a break and put smilies of a cup of tea and some-one smoking a fag as hints.  Some of the comments were hilarious for example Dion is from the Manchester area I think, and has an accent, and one of the guys listening in is from Scotland.  Dion was rattling on on the microphone and the chap from Scotland typed, "Can you slow down, I need to translate". 



Quoteoh dear, i wondered if the different systems would clash!

They shouldnt clash, as all that has happened is that new network interfaces have been added with new ip addresses.
The computer is not interested how the network works, just that it can see the ip address and interface,

so wether its hard wires,
or mains interface,
they are all the same,
I would check that the ip addresses are the same and have not changed since friday, also jut check that they
are using the same protocol.



Just checked the IP address, and it is slightly different to the code showing in the obsy yesterday.

This is what it kept doing before when I used the laptop and cable.  I don't know how to stop the one in the obsy defaulting to the wrong address.  It doesn't seem to matter with Teamviewer.



Robert, when using that TP link, multi connector box, it has a mains plug on it, do you also still have to plug the Gigaset box into the mains as well, or does one plug service both when connected  together?
It is healthier to be mutton dressed as lamb, than mutton dressed as mutton!


You mean the Gigabit Switch ?  If so then it needs mains power to function but from that point on it's transparent and allows anything plugged in to communucate with anything else.  If you have a powerline you want to it then use an ethernet cable to connect them just as you would your computer and ADSL modem.

Does that help ?

This is what I have:

                      |--- ADSL router
                      |--- Study computer
Gigabit           |--- Powerline ~~~~~~ mains ~~~~~~ Powerline ------ Laptop 1
Switch            |                                       |  ~~~~~~ Powerline ------ Laptop 2
                      |                                       |  ~~~~~~ Powerline ------ TV
                      |--- Printer                        |  ~~~~~~ Powerline ------ Observatory
                      |--- whatever     

~~~ =  mains
--- = ethernet cable   

Hope that helps



Robert, very good of you, thanks.

I SKYPED with Mick & he put me straight on the cables etc, a lot more now connected to the TP Link box, than there was. I have done a couple of tests & it is working ok.

With UVNC while connected, the movements on the screen were very jerky and slow, but this way, it is just the same as actually working on it.

thanks again for everyones help

It is healthier to be mutton dressed as lamb, than mutton dressed as mutton!


Glad you got it sorted Fay.  I'm assuming you are using Teamviewer which I find very good and easy to use.



It is healthier to be mutton dressed as lamb, than mutton dressed as mutton!