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NGC3184 - The Little Pinwheel Galaxy in Ursa Major - LRGB

Started by Roberto, Feb 03, 2024, 20:21:41

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A couple of nights in January and a couple in February allowed me to capture this nice face-on galaxy in Ursa Major close to Tania Australis.  Quite a few reflections from the bright star to deal with in the older StarFire EDF.  The newer Stowaway seems to have dealt better with the brightness although I was shooting half the exposure (at 5 mins OSC).  Taken using the usual tandem arrangement.

There are many, many background galaxies in the annotated version.  A cluster of background galaxies, towards the lower centre right is ACO 971 which according to Simbad's database is 1.3bn ly away.

See full details here:  https://www.astrobin.com/zeorwn/D/

Dates:  18 - 19 Jan 2024, 1 - 2 Feb 2024
Frames: OSC - 109×300″(9h 5′)
L - IDAS LPS-P2 50 mm: 62×600″(10h 20′)
Integration: 19h 25′

Full resolution here:  https://cdn.astrobin.com/thumbs/AxEWOkokfso5_16536x0_UyysOTOH.jpg

The annotated version is here:  https://cdn.astrobin.com/thumbs/h4exaSKQu0HK_16536x0_UyysOTOH.jpg

And a crop: 



Lovely image but very tiny in your FOV. 

Great work as usual. 

Dave A

One of my favourite galaxies
Your cropped version looks great
Remember- we are the Universe and the Universe is us