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New Member - Michael Griffiths

Started by MGriffiths, Sep 04, 2023, 15:24:18

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Hi everyone

I've recently joined OAS and have attended both the August observing session at Otford and the meeting on William Herschel at Petts Wood.  I am looking forward to future sessions and also joining the organised visits, camps and trips further afield to dark-sky locations.

I live under Bortle 8/9 skies at Denmark Hill so observing is challenging but since getting my first telescope 3 years ago, I've been surprised at how much it is still possible to 'see' with a digital camera attached to the scope.  My first scope was a Skywatcher SkyMax 102 on a Az-GTi mount and more recently I purchased a William's Optic Zenithstar 61 to have more of a go at deepsky astrophotography and would welcome any help and advice on this.

Looking forward to seeing more of you all

Best wishes



Welcome Michael.  Always nice to meet new members and in particular to welcome a new imager into the fold. 



Thanks Carole

I'm not sure whether I'll be able to make it, but is there a camp planned in September?

Best wishes



Yes it is 14 - 17th September (Next week). 

If you can PM me your E Mail address I will send you a PDF of all the details. 
Go to the Members tab above.  Carole Pope


The Thing

Welcome Michael.

I have the advantage of living in rural France these days but remember when I started out in Beckenham in 2007 and saw that imaging was the only real way forward when even light pollution filters didn't reveal the wonders of the heavens. I also realised I needed to join an astro group to learn and was soon going to deep sky camps. I miss those now. Good luck and enjoy! We are here to help, just ask.


Dave A

Hi Michael,

Welcome to the OAS

I met you at the last Observing Evening in Otford where unfortunately that evening the clouds rolled in and we could not observe anything
Then at the last OAS meeting in Petts Wood
I have been a member for around two and a half years and have learnt so much about observing and imaging in that time
Once again- welcome Michael
Remember- we are the Universe and the Universe is us


Thanks Duncan - that's really appreciated.  I envy your rural France dark skies!


Thanks Dave - I enjoyed the evening meeting you and the others and if only the clouds had moved out the way it would have been even better! :-)