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Cone and Christmas Tree, High Halden

Started by Carole, Nov 30, 2014, 20:15:13

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This is about the 4th time I have attempted this object and with Mark's dark skies (albeit with fog), I finally have something I feel I can post.

I did a mixture of 30mins and 20min subs, but only managed to use one 30min subs, so it's basically
6 x 20mins Ha
3 x 15mins binned x 2 Oiii
More data would have been nice, but sky conditions prevented it. Since I might not get a chance to add to this for the foreseeable future, this will have to do for now.

Skywatcher ED80 with x 0.8 focal reducer
HEQ5 and Atik314L


Two more versions (not reprocesses)

for those who like Mono the Ha only version:

and this is an HaRGB version, combined with an image I did at Kelling in 2013 with a QHY8L (little bit of corner "fudging" due to different orientations). 


You've really pulled some nice detail out especially at the bottom of the tree there is a depth to it. I think my favourite is the first image you call really see the whisps of nebula, the HaRGB has a really strong cyan halo around the stars. Do you see that?


Thanks Ivor, yes I need to do something to those Halos, but I am also a bit reluctant to lose the added colour it gives. 
Guess I just like pretty colours lol.



I like the HaRGB version.

However, I don't the OIII adds much to the image.



QuoteI don't the OIII adds much to the image.
I agree, the data had very little on it.



oh i thought you were using the 120, as I thought you wont get that in there. you could do with your 72 I am thinking you have one. well you have got a collection of long subs and will be able to add to it. it  is often imaged corner to corner
It is healthier to be mutton dressed as lamb, than mutton dressed as mutton!


I am having some problems mounting the WO71 at the moment Fay.  There are no mounting rings on it so unless I mount side by side it means some improvisation and I never found side by side imaging very successful for a number of reasons. 

So I had a finderscope foot welded to a mounting ring I managed to fit round it.  It seemed to be OK at first but latterly I was getting trailing after only 5min subs and I suspected flexure.  So have had to abandon the skywatcher bracket and mount the finderguider in it's own rings and now can do 30mins with no trailing.  I now have to find a new way to mount this on the WO and so far not had any success.

I guess I could try side by side again I still have the bar, but I need to get it shortened as one of the problems was it was too long and would clash with the pier plate.
