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[BAA-ebulletin 00699] RR Tauri Observing campaign begins

Started by Rick, Sep 24, 2012, 22:26:10

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[BAA-ebulletin 00699]  RR Tauri Observing campaign begins
(c) 2012 British Astronomical Association    http://www.britastro.org/

The BAA Variable Star and Deep Sky Sections are combining their skills in an observing campaign to observe the star RR Tau and it's associated nebula.

Optically RR Tau is an exciting star to observe, varying between magnitudes 10.0 and 14.5, in an irregular and unpredictable fashion.

The aim of the project is simple. Visual VSS observers will monitor the changes in brightness of RR Tau, whilst CCD observers - both VSS and Deep Sky - will attempt to image the nebula on as many occasions as possible, so that we can, at the end of the project, correlate the two to see if we have anything interesting to show for our efforts. Even if we do not, we will still have answered an important question!

This star is also featured as the "Variable Star of the Year for 2013" in the BAA Handbook. However, we've taken the liberty of placing the information that will appear there on our web page at http://www.britastro.org/vss/VSOTY.htm where you will also find a link to the chart.

Good observing.

Roger Pickard, VSS Director (in the absence of the Deep Sky Section Director)
14th September 2012