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Book Donation

Started by Whitters, May 01, 2004, 22:53:00

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The following books have been kindly donated to the OAS Library by Mr Kevin Brady.

1 Lunar Atlas Dinmore Alter (this will never be out of date and is a very
 useful photographic atlas of the moon

2 Mars Observers Guide Neil Bone (a recent publication written for the
 last Mars apparition)

3 Observational Astronomy for Amateurs J B Sigewick (an excellent if
 somewhat technical book)

4 Collimation perspectives ( useful for newtonians)

5 Observing variable stars D H Levy (an american astronomer) an
 easy-going book

6 Surface of Mars M Carr Photos of last Viking landing)

7 Duststorms of Mars by present mars Director of the BAA. A very useful
 history of duststorms

8 Jupiter Gary Hunt and Patrick Moore ( a bit dated at this time, but

9 Variable Stars by G Wenzel translated by Storm Dunlop)

10/12 Burnhams Celestial Handbook (as you see in three volumes) excellent for
     Deep Sky observing and double stars. Anything beyond the Solar

Many thanks to Kevin for the kind donation.



I think I'll need to do another juggle on the contents of the library's boxes. I could also use a hand moving the library cupboard back to my garage some time. It'll take at least two to lift and a third to hold doors open, etc. Any volunteers.


I can lend a hand, we can arrange a time on Wednesday