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Message from John Axtel,SAGAS - next quarterly meeting 16th Jan 2010

Started by Sue, Dec 22, 2009, 08:04:54

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Hi all

I'm sure you already will have this date in your diaries, but please remember that our next quarterly meeting at South Downs Planetarium is Saturday 16th January at 2.15 p.m.   Our administering Society will be Farnham AS, with John Price taking the Chair, and Peter Campbell-Burns taking notes for the minutes. After our coffee break we will be treated to some excellent images, as the talk is "Imaging in Tenerife" by Farnham members John Moore and Donal McDonnell. This meeting also includes our AGM (which we'll endeavour to keep short and to the point) so please send any motions, nominations etc to me by Saturday 9th at the latest.

May I take this opportunity to wish you and yours a Merry Xmas and all the best for 2010, and of course we've the Winter Solstice before then!

best wishes

John Axtell
Secretary, Southern Area Group of Astronomical Societies
"Sharing The Same Skies"