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Wanted: Raw Frames of M27 - The Dumbell Nebula

Started by MarkS, May 02, 2009, 08:05:34

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I want to come up with my own estimate of the Quantum Efficiency of the Canon EOS350 DSLR - I was surprised at how low Christian Buil's figure of 35% was (http://www.astrosurf.com/~buil/50d/test.htm).  If you have a single raw image of M27 (as long an exposure as possible) then that would help me.  I could calculate the QE in the H-alpha and SIII bands as well as a rough "average" QE across spectrum.

I would need to know:
1) The exact model of the camera used
2) The F-ratio the image was shot at (or failing that the details of the scope and any focal reducer used)
3) The filter used (if any)

I'm assuming that I would be able to find information on the gain (electrons/ADU) and QE graph of the camera online.




I'll try and dig that information out for you tonight.