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IYA2009 Newsletter: Astronomy 2009 UK Flickr Group

Started by Rick, Jun 11, 2009, 17:21:44

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From Steven Owens, UK Co-ordinator, International Year of Astronomy 2009

Dear Astronomy Enthusiasts,

There is now a Flickr group for IYA2009 images of events, starparties etc. You can see the group here: http://www.flickr.com/groups/astronomy2009uk

As you'll see there are only a few images on there just now; we'd like you to add your own! If you're new to Flickr you can take a tour to find out what it's all about: http://www.flickr.com/tour/

If you don't have a Flickr account, your first step is to set one up. You can do that here: http://www.flickr.com/

Once you have your Flickr account, you can upload your images to it, create sets of images, tag them with key words (like IYA2009, astronomy, UK etc), and flag them in a map to show people where they were taken.

Once you've got all your images onto your own Flickr page, you can request to join the astronomy2009uk group. Just go here http://www.flickr.com/groups/astronomy2009uk and click "Join this Group". Once I receive your request to join I will confirm it, at which point you will be able to copy images from your account into this group. You will also be asked to read and accept the group rules.

I hope you will all take the opportunity to do this, so that we can share with the world all the amazing events and activities that you have made happen during IYA2009!


Steve Owens

