Look I managed to stack 2 frames from the 7 excellent frames I have, the others I'm having problems with aligning. Here's M57 from Tripes Farm on Tuesday morning.
If you squint, you can see both central stars.
Very Impressive! You can even see detail in the 'bands' What exposure did you use?
Nice one Chris, as John said what are the details, what camera are you using?
It was a quick shot from the field on Monday night using the SAC8 and 25 secon exposures with 0 gain. Collimation was about 90% much better than my last deep sky session, I think this helped the bands come out. This is a stack of 2 frames, I have about 5 more I could stack if I could get the software to do what I wanted. The LX90 was at prime focus.
This might be a totally stupid idea but seeing you have so few frames couldn't you manually stack them in PS6 or similiar. You could set transperency to 50% or so & then overlay them ontop of each other & flatten composite & then reload into Registax for adjustment etc. Just a thought.
Great idea, I'll e-mail them to you :smile:
If you want access to the colour ones from the D70 I could post them to my website for you to download.
I want that moon image, I claim 50% of it, yeh go on tell me where to get them.