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[BAA 00156] Bright Supernova in NGC2403

Started by Rick, Aug 06, 2004, 16:18:00

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There is currently a bright supernova in galaxy NGC2403.  It was discovered by Japanese astronomer Itagaki using a 0.6m reflector on 2004 July 31 and is currently around 11th / 12th magnitude.  NGC2403 is an outlying member of the M81- M82 galaxy group, and was the first galaxy outside the Local Group to have Cepheid variables identified in it.

Visually NGC2403 (mag 8.5) is an easy object appearing as a lovely elongated glow about 12' x 5', with several bright stars superimposed upon it.  Its position is RA 07h 36.9m, Dec +65d 36m (2000).  The supernova, designated SN2004dj, lies east and north of the galaxy centre at position RA 07h 37m 17.02s,  Dec +65o 35' 57.8" (2000).

An image of the galaxy, with supernova, obtained by Ron Arbour on 2004 August 03.8841UT, is on his web site: http://rochesterastronomy.org/sn2004/n2403s5.jpg .

The supernova is thought to be a type IIp which means that it could fade quite rapidly.  Although many supernovae are now being discovered, particularly from the UK, it is rare to have one so bright.  With the Moon now moving out of the sky, this is an ideal opportunity for those observers with smaller telescopes to observe one of these catastrophic stellar events.

Stewart Moore
Director Deep Sky Section

[ This Message was edited by: Rick on 2004-08-06 15:29 ]