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Reminder - Observing Evening

Started by mickw, Sep 12, 2011, 11:40:21

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Just a reminder, observing evening tomorrow night 13th sept - 8:15 ish as it's still summer  :roll:

As you can see, I've arranged for good weather  :!
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Rocket Pooch


I would have thought you would have been  blown away by now Chris......................... :parrot:
It is healthier to be mutton dressed as lamb, than mutton dressed as mutton!


Look forward to meeting you all tonight   :P


You too Richard.  It would be nice to get some observing done too if the clouds clear (not looked at the weather forecast today).



Weather forecast says clear - naturally it's now raining  :roll:

Satellite does show some patchy sky moving our way this evening - time will tell  :-?
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Yup, weather forecast says clear all night here too. The rain has just stopped but could start again at any moment :roll:
"Never worry about theory as long as the machinery does what it's supposed to do."  Robert A. Heinlein


Phil, If you get this in time, I'm bringing the society ETX with me tonight.  Just in case you've finished the central screw, otherwise I'll bring my Heath Robinson job. 



Yep - it does look like some kind of cloud is heading this way.  It should reach us just in time to obscure Jupiter :(

Later edit:  21:30BST the cloud has already hit High Halden ...


We managed to get some observing done this evening, it was clear at first but then the clouds rolled in, but enough gaps to show Richard and Alex the Moon and Jupiter and also a few other bits and pieces.  7 scopes in all plus binoculars and inc Duncan's parallellogram "mount". 



Yep, 9 of us in total, shame we couldn't get a fix on comet Garradd or M101 but Albireo was lovely as always, we also got a peek through a 16" dob  :o  sadly in need of collimation  :(
I think a good time was had by all  :)
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Wow what a great night. Thank you Carole and everyone else for the advice, warm welcome and allowing us to view from your telescopes, much appreciated. Me and alex were still "buzzing" this morning from seeing the moon, double star and Jupiter. Daddy's got to buy that big motorised Meade now, lol


Glad the pair of you enjoyed it  :)
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