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Perseids.... What Perseids.....!

Started by JohnP, Aug 13, 2007, 13:25:25

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Well don't know about everyone else but found the much hyped Perseids Meteor shower to be a bit of a disappointment. I went out both Saturday & Sunday evening (even kids were out with me) for about 4 hrs each time & only saw in total about 20 - I would say only 2 of those had the wow factor.....! I was expecting a lot more from all the press reports etc..

On Sunday evening I even piggybacked my camera in anticipation of the spectacular display - I must have taken about 3hrs worth of images & caught one very feint track.... :-( I used the EOS 300D with standard 18-55mm lens (set at 18mm) - ISO400 & took 3min subs. I ended up with lots of pictures of summer traingle & so decided to stack 30mins worth - no meteors but you should clearly be able to see Cygnus, Lyra, Sagitta, Vulpecula, Delphinius & Brocchi's Cluster (coathanger).. also nice star colours. I also attached a B&W inverted image to make things a bit clearer.

Did anyone else do any imaging..?

Cheers,  John

Tony G

Hi John,

Great wide field and I see what you mean about the colours.
John I hope you don't mind me attaching this diagram, but I was looking up the whereabouts of the coathanger cluster and found this.

it helped me with your image, so I thought it may help others.

Tony G
"I'm normally not a praying man, but if you're up there, please save me Superman." - Homer Simpson


Excellent - I was thinking of annotating it myself but you saved me all the work - thks. I was suprised at the performance of the 'cheapo' std EOS lens - gives a nice widefield.. The coathanger is a great sight in a pair of bino's....

Thks again,  John


Yes, that helped me as well, Tony. I had not seen it before but it really looks like a coathanger.

I only saw 2, but did not put myself out, as the best was supposed to be at around 3am in the morning, my eyes would not have seen much at that time anyway.

If you had had a couple of cans of cider, Tony, you would have seen plenty at 3am anyway!
It is healthier to be mutton dressed as lamb, than mutton dressed as mutton!


The press always overhype things like the Perseids. It annoys me as it probably puts a lot of people off astronomy. We saw 23 whilst we were at High Elms over the space of about 3 hours.

On Sunday I went out for about 10 minutes and saw only 2. However, one of those was very bright and elft a trail that lasted about 2 secodns before it faded.

I couldn't find the shoe for my tripod so no photos i'm afraid.
We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology. Carl Sagan


I was up from 21:30 until 04:30 on the Sunday/Monday, saw several nice bright meteors. most of them were before midnight though. There was one very nice green one tat fell to the south east breaking up as it went. Also had a couple of times when there were multiples realy showed off the radient nicely.
Took a few pictures, here is one of Taurus rising.


And in a shot of Cassiopeia I found one with a Perseid in, 28mm(45mm 135 eqv.) f6.3 626seconds exp.


Nice to see someone getting some clear skies. But you did earn the above images, Paul, as you were up all night!

It is healthier to be mutton dressed as lamb, than mutton dressed as mutton!

Rocket Pooch

I saw a load in France all week with Sunday morning being a right pain for imaging!  I have an M13 somewhere with one exploding (poetic license used) in the field of view.


Oscar the Cat

Rocket Pooch

Found it

Not sure if a plane went through but the meteor did go splat have a look,


Wow great shot of m13 - is that a single sub - how long - the noise is so low... I love NGC6207 in the top of the image it's really clear...

Are the trails just from the plane - it's a bit odd to have 3 short parallel lines - must be a strobe light or something....

When can we see finished m13 - looks like it will be awesome - John

Rocket Pooch


I need to check but I think its a single 4 minute sub, amazing how much more light you get using no filters other than IR, I'm not sure if thats a plane a meteor and what the lines are, but when I was taking the picture some meteorites definately went through the area?  So I don't know what it is?

Funny image though.



I just double checked skymap pro & I now don't think the fuzzy is NGC6207 - this is bigger & brighter & I think just out of the FOV. The Galaxy you have got is the much feinter & smaller IC4617 - mag 15.2 1.2 arcmins by .4arcmins.

Nice - John


It's the wingtip lights from the plane.
We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology. Carl Sagan