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A new O.A.S. Astrophotography Gallery

Started by Rick, Aug 06, 2007, 23:43:16

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The images and information from the old static gallery have now been transferred to the new system.

Hopefully this will allow folks to add images more easily.

You can find the new gallery at http://gallery.orpington-astronomy.org.uk/

For the next few days it's there for people to check over and comment on. After that, it'll be open for O.A.S. members to add images to...

...so if there are things you spot that are wrong, or things about it you just plane hate, please comment so I can try to fix them before it's thrown out to the world at large. :)


I'm going to be doing a bit of twiddling with the new gallery's setup later. It may go missing or throw weird errors at times. I'll try to have everything ship-shape before the morning...

21:27: ...Ok... The object of the exercise was to see whether the "search-engine-friendly" URL plugin could be made to work... I think it's behaving. Please let me know if it isn't.

22:30: So there was one hiccup with the list of images uploaded by an individual. Looks like the plugin is buggy, but it's now working (until something changes).

22:47: ...and the ordering buttons were broken too. I think they're now also fixed.


Rick - When will the new gallery link from the main webpage - at the moment it still links to the old one? Thks,  John


I was waiting to see whether anyone was going to point out problems, 'cos they're slightly easier to fix before the world gets it linked. It's been just over a week and nobody's mentioned anything, so perhaps I should just switch the link and wait for the howls... ;)

Update 12:40: Ok, the deed is done...  :twisted:

I've switched the main menu link on the main site to point to the new gallery.

If you spot any other links still pointing to the old gallery on the main site then please either fix them (if you have the power) or point me at them.

The old gallery remains at http://gal.orpington-astronomy.org.uk for now, but at some point (when I've worked out a suitable set of cross-links) it'll start re-directing to the new one instead.