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A few more from Petts Wood - NGC609, Barnard 8 and the ISS...

Started by Roberto, Dec 07, 2021, 14:34:14

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Hello All

A few more pictures and an animation taken in November/December from Petts Wood:

1 - NGC609 and NGC637 field in Cassiopeia

Details here:  https://www.astrobin.com/pb0wv9/D/
Total exposure = 12h 30'

2 - Barnard 8,12 and 13 with LDNs 1390 to 1408 in Camelopardalis - Mosaic 2x1

Details here:  https://www.astrobin.com/kya97a/B/
Total exposure = 20h 45'

3 - ISS passes over Petts Wood on 2 and 4 December 2021

Details here:  https://www.astrobin.com/xxrpfb/D/ for 2 December
Details here:  https://www.astrobin.com/ovl7m5/B/ for 4 December

And changing perspective: 

Best wishes for a happy Xmas and a much better 2022!



These are excellent Roberto,  I am not familiar with the DS objects, but they both have your beautiful touch to the processing. 

The ISS images are just stunning, well done.



Thank you Carole! You are too kind!  I was particularly pleased with the ISS given these were my very first and second attempts at imaging it. It's a tough target  :o


The Thing

Wow, the ISS is spectacular! And the other images aren't bad either.


Lovely images Roberto and especially of the ISS.  I must get around to doing that myself one of these days !


Thank you Duncan and Robert.  It seems so long ago these images were taken...nothing but clouds since!



Nice images Roberto , i was trying to download Skytrack but my Antivirus cant validate it as safe , can you advise a safedownload location.
RedCat51,QHYCCD183,Atik460EX,EQ6-R.Tri-Band OSC,BaaderSII1,25" 4.5nm,Ha3.5nm,Oiii3.5nm.


Hi Roger

I get it from the heavenscape.com website and scan once downloaded. No problems at my end.



RedCat51,QHYCCD183,Atik460EX,EQ6-R.Tri-Band OSC,BaaderSII1,25" 4.5nm,Ha3.5nm,Oiii3.5nm.


WOW!!  Your ISS results are stunning!  Was the seeing good that night, since the images look free from distortions?



Hi Mark

Thank you.  Seeing was indeed very good for my first lucky run.  I have been advised to switch the OSC to the smaller telescope and concentrate on B&W for the larger Maksutov to try and capture more detail.  I was really happy with how the shots turned out as this was my first ever attempt at doing this.  Most experts track the ISS manually but I was using software.  Finding it and keeping it centred in the large Mak in that tiny FOV is almost impossible (but fun!).
