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Sun halos, arcs and upside-down rainbows seen across England

Started by Dave A, May 29, 2023, 20:23:59

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Dave A

Sun halos, arcs and upside-down rainbows seen across England

Much of northern England enjoyed a rare optical display on Sunday evening.

Thin, high cloud gave a spectacular show of halos, arcs and upside-down rainbows across the North East and Cumbria, not often seen together in the UK.

The phenomena are caused by sunlight reflecting and refracting through ice crystals high in the atmosphere.

More: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tyne-65745708
Remember- we are the Universe and the Universe is us


If you have an all-sky(-ish) camera watching the skies in daylight as well as at night then it might be worth loking back through images to see whether any of this sort of thing was captured.