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Setup tonight

Started by Fay, Aug 05, 2016, 21:34:06

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But like the old times, took it all in because of big black clouds! left scopes out but cameras etc indoors. Got all the programs up and running and moved the mount, perhaps tomorrow night will get a practice

It is healthier to be mutton dressed as lamb, than mutton dressed as mutton!


I was hopeful as well. But when push came to shove there actually wasn't much clear sky.  Maybe tomorrow.  I live in hope :)  We are definitely due a fantastic Autumn and Winter :)



Let' s hope tonight is clear, but the cloud is starting to build. The last really clear period I can remember was at Kelling last September, but I am getting old and my memory is starting to fade.



Oh dear Roy, hope is fading.........................

I will get outside but will probably only  align on something, will have to be happy with that!!

It is healthier to be mutton dressed as lamb, than mutton dressed as mutton!


I'm out there imaging!

Can't believe it!



I setup the 8" etc. and all subjects were central every time.

Did a 240sec 4x4 M27, which was good, but when I did 1x1 it was out of focus.

Refocused did a 240 sec 4x4 of Tulip, which came out very nice, but when I did 300 and 600 sec, 1x1, I could hardly see it. I use a AP 0.67 FR and scope is F10.

It is healthier to be mutton dressed as lamb, than mutton dressed as mutton!


It clouded over at midnight :(

Forecast for Sunday night is looking promising.



Any images yet. chaps? For Member images on my report for the meeting??

Always look on the bright side of life ...


no, sorry Doug, I have been out today and it is very windy out anyway today
It is healthier to be mutton dressed as lamb, than mutton dressed as mutton!


I've got 50 minutes of data to process.  Better than nothing I suppose.


Was set up last night, it was really clear and darker than usual (they have just replaced the old street lights with LEDs - I need to evaluate the impact of this): saw both the Dumbbell and ring nebulae as well as I've ever seen them from home. Then experimented with the Starlight Live program just using the Lodestar, which worked really once I'd got focus. Finally about midnight decided to get the full aiming setup going, but spent 20 minutes struggling to find a guide star using the OAG, before discovering it was totally clouded out. Doh! One final observation, the new Berlebach tripod really provides a step up in stability compared with the standard Skywatcher metal tripod.



A few technical problems last night and the wind didn't help but I managed to get another 50 minutes on the Trifid, Lagoon and NGC6559 before they disappeared into the murk on the horizon - it's rather late in the year to be imaging this area.  Started on the Shark Nebula in Cepheus and I hope to capture more tonight.  I captured 1.5 hours on the Shark before the clouds hit but I need substantially more.



Tonight (Tuesday) is the second night running I've opened the observatory to start cooling the scopes only for it to start raining :(

Hoping for clear sky shortly.


[Later comment]  It cleared  :)