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Jupiter Meade 8" x2 Barlow DMK 21AU04 mono, 1500 frames

Started by Fay, Mar 27, 2016, 19:10:54

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It went thru Virtual dub to get it thru AutoStakkert, Castrator to crop the avi, then into Registax and PS

Not too good. lines across planet and moons not synchronised
It is healthier to be mutton dressed as lamb, than mutton dressed as mutton!


Well done, that's a pretty good effort considering all the problems you've had.

Some of that software sounds a bit painful !


The Thing

That is good Fay, you haven't done a planet for ages. You should try Firecapture with your DMK, I suspect it will output an AVI that Autostakkert even though you are using a DMK.

TIP: Try using around 18 100px alignment points in AS2! using the auto function and using the Brightness setting to control the number of points. Also make sure Normalise is set to around 75%, this has major implications for bit depth and so further processing.


Thankyou Robert,  i will have another go at processing and check out what you suggested Duncan
It is healthier to be mutton dressed as lamb, than mutton dressed as mutton!



You've got everything working Fay!  It's looking good.

In AS!2 add a manual alignment point on each moon and shadow - that will tighten them up.
