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IC443, NGC2175, M35, CR89 (2016-01-14 Manche, France)

Started by The Thing, Jan 20, 2016, 20:25:57

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The Thing

Finally got this processed after a lot of hair tearing. I used Dark Flats for the first time in DSS and it suddenly couldn't find any stars. Ridiculous if you look at the picture. Remade the Master DF and Flat and all was OK. Nice little lens. 9 at the Depot Vente! The camera was piggybacked under the LX90 screwed to the dovetail plate, just misses the mount nicely.

Image date, time and location:   20160114, Manche, France
Telescope aperture and focal ratio:   SMC Pentax-F 35-105 Zoom at 105mm f5.6
Camera and filters used:   Canon 1000D Modded, no filters.
Processing applied:   DeepSkyStacker using Dark Flats


A very colourful image!  It's not an area of sky I am familiar with.



Yes that is colourful and it has a very strange symmetry that I've never seen before.

Looks like the lens was a good buy for 9 euros 8)

The Thing

Jellyfish is just above the centre star, NGC2175 Monkey's Head to the bottom left, M35 to bottom right below which is tiny NGC2158, sparse cluster CR 89 just to the right and up from the Jellyfish. The reddish stars are M class Eta and Mu Geminorum.



Thats a cheapo lens Duncan, good job it has worked out well, and you are out there in your new obsy!!

It is healthier to be mutton dressed as lamb, than mutton dressed as mutton!

The Thing

The Thing

Quote from: Fay on Jan 21, 2016, 10:46:17
Thats a cheapo lens Duncan, good job it has worked out well, and you are out there in your new obsy!!

Only cheap because I spotted it and snapped it up. I did try to get some more money off :) but they said 'the price is the price'. Very French.


The Thing

Thanks everyone. I may even try to process it properly now ;)