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Free NGC catalogue

Started by Whitters, Jun 26, 2004, 05:23:00

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Peter came to the OAS yesterday and gave an extreamly informative and humerous talk on the astronomers and oddites of the RAS. He also had a few copies of the NGC and IC Monograph to give away. If you would like a copy have a read of this from the BAA Deep Sky Section

Dear Section Members,
Peter Hingley has asked me to distribute this around Deep-Sky fraternity.
It's free but you need to pay postage.  No idea how many books available but imagine it is a first come first served situation.  See you at Cambridge tomorrow to collect all your deep-sky observations!

Stewart Moore
Dear Deep Sky observer,
Among various  material being cleared out and disposed of at the RAS there are a number of new copies of the
1971  photo litho reprint of JLE Dreyer's  'New General Catalogue'
and the 'Index Catalogue'  and  'Second Index Catalogue'  originally published  in the MEMOIRS of the RAS  in  1888,  1895, and 1908, combined in one volume.
Rather  than just put these out with the gash I have been authorised to offer them free to any suitable recipients.  Although Dreyer's  listing (following  earlier ones by  William and John
Herschel)  underlies the  still extant  system of numbering deep sky objects  I guess these are mainly  of historical  interest though keen Deep Sky  observers  may like to have one for old time's sake.

If you would  like a copy please email me direct (pdh@ras.org.uk),  giving your full and correct postal  address including Post / Zip code  etc, and I will  post one
to you.   Recipients are asked to refund the  postage as marked on
the outside of the  envelope.
                                  Yours sincerely

P D Hingley, Librarian, Royal Astronomical  Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly,  London  W1J OBQ England Tel  020 7734  4582 /3307 FAX  020 7494  0166 e-mail  pdh@ras.org.uk XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX