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M106 from Kelling Heath

Started by Fay, Apr 19, 2010, 16:22:14

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This is 13x600 secs, SW120, Atik 314L,flats,cls filter, guided with PHD, Acquired with Astroart & processed in Photoshop. Fuzzt bottom right is NGC 4248
It is healthier to be mutton dressed as lamb, than mutton dressed as mutton!


Very nice Fay - I bet you are pleased with that. Looks like there are lots of other faint background galaxies. My only comments (if I was being very picky & knowing what a pro astroimager you are) would be looks like stars are slightly elongated in the top left they look OK elsewhere so I am guessing it must be to do with something not quite being square...? There is a very minor gradient top right to bottom left - did you run GradientX on this, there is a satellite trail down left... and my biggest comment is where's the COLOUR!!!! You need to start getting the RGB's would make all your images fantastic.... You have got excellent core detail though a million times better than my feeble attempt from Bromley other night....

Great result though - John


Some spherical aberration to sort out there, but the image is fantastic. The detail in that centre with those little patches of dust cloud is great. Like John says - where is the colour ?
We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology. Carl Sagan


nice image, love the dust lanes


Excellent detail Fay.  M106 is a very hard galaxy to capture and process, you've done a good job but I think you could possibly tease out some more faint detail.

Try capturing that from around here !


Perhaps I could get some colour from here
It is healthier to be mutton dressed as lamb, than mutton dressed as mutton!


fay - it deserves RGB.. Yes no reason why you couldn't get it from your garden.. You could even bin colour 2X2 to save on capture time....


yes, may try that. It would have been difficult anyway at Kelling, for flats, had to do them the next day & leave filter & camera in situ. Ok it's a sad excuse....
It is healthier to be mutton dressed as lamb, than mutton dressed as mutton!


That is excellent Fay.  Terrific detail in that - was it taken the first night when we had that stunning seeing?  You must certainly be very pleased with that scope.

I agree it would look stunning with some colour but I really don't think you'll be able to shoot adequate colour channels from around here.  You need somewhere dark.

The slightly elongated stars do suggest something is not square - the self same problem I am fighting with on the Tak!



Also Mark, I remembered that the 120 was nearly knocking into the tripod as there was so much length there. Would not have had time for RGB

Yes first night
It is healthier to be mutton dressed as lamb, than mutton dressed as mutton!