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Select Committee on Light Pollution: forthcoming report.

Started by Rick, Aug 14, 2003, 16:44:00

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Select Committee on Light Pollution: forthcoming report.
Your help is requested

The committee hearings have now been concluded, and the eleven MPs took evidence from many amateur and professional astronomers, from the lighting industry, local govt., CPRE, PPARC, the Highways Agency and other interested parties.

Having heard their deliberations, I am sure that they will present a positive report to Parliament in September, and will recommend action on light pollution.

However, the two government ministers (Keith Hill, Office of the Deputy PM, and David Miliband, Education) who appeared before them showed that:

a) they knew little about the subject;

b) their departments still favour the laissez-faire approach of "education not regulation".

The Campaign for Dark Skies is determined that the Select Committee report should fall on ground which is as fertile as possible, and would be grateful if you as an individual or any astronomical group to which you belong could write before September to the departments concerned (Education, DEFRA, Office of the Deputy PM) stressing the benefits that proper control of lighting can bring, both to the starry sky and here below.

Dept for Education & Skills: http://www.pm.gov.uk/output/Page1488.asp
DEFRA: http://www.defra.gov.uk
ODPM: http://www.odpm.gov.uk

Thanks for any help you can give. For further advice on possible action, see the CfDS website (http://www.dark-skies.org), contact Bob Mizon via the site, or see section 3 of Bob's book "Light Pollution: Responses and Remedies" (Springer, 2001).

Bob Mizon
BAA Campaign for Dark Skies Co-ordinator

[ This Message was edited by: Rick on 2003-08-14 08:46 ]


From an S&TC Press release:

The Science and Technology Committee will publish its Seventh Report of Session 2002B03, Light Pollution and Astronomy (HC 747), at 1200 noon on Monday 6 October 2003.

The Report examines the growth of light pollution in the UK and the effect it has had on professional and amateur astronomy.

Members of the Committee will be holding press conferences at various locations. Members of the press and interested parties are invited to attend. The details are as follows:

Dr Ian Gibson MP (Chairman)
Sunday 5 October 7.30pm
Seething Observatory
Toad Lane, Thwaite St Mary

Mr Tom Harris MP
Monday 6 October 10am
Glasgow Science Centre
50 Pacific Quay, Glasgow G51 1EA

Dr Brian Iddon MP
Monday 6 October 7pm
Godlee Observatory (UMIST)
Main Building, UMIST, Sackville Street, Manchester

Mr Tony McWalter MP
Monday 6 October 7pm
Bayfordbury Observatory
University of Hertfordshire
Bayfordbury, near Hertford

Dr Desmond Turner MP
Monday 6 October 6pm
Astronomy Centre, University of Sussex

Embargoed electronic copies of the Report will be available to the press and to those who gave evidence to the inquiry from 12 noon on Saturday 4 October, provided they ask for copies in advance.

Embargoed hard copies of the Report will be available to the press and to those who gave evidence to the inquiry from Reception, 7 Millbank, at 10am on Monday 6 October.

The Reports can also be obtained from the date of publication from TSO outlets and from the Parliamentary Bookshop, 12 Bridge Street, Parliament Square, London SW1A 2JX (020 7219 3890) by quoting House of Commons paper No. 507.  The text of the Reports will also be available on the Committee's internet homepage: http://www.parliament.uk/commons/selcom/s&thome.htm

Further information on the work of the Committee can be obtained from Committee staff on 020 7219 2793/4.

[ This Message was edited by: Rick on 2003-09-24 15:25 ]


The full report is now on-line. The O.A.S. submission is included in the second part.


...and there will be a printed copy of Volume 1 (the main report) in the Library.




The Science and Technology Committee will publish its First Special Report of Session 2003-04 (HC 127) at 1100 hours on Thursday 18 December 2003. The Report contains the Government Response to the Committee's Seventh Report of Session 2002-03, Light Pollution and Astronomy (HC 747 of Session 2002-03). Copies of the Special Report will be available for collection in the reception at 7 Millbank from time of publication. No embargoed copies will be issued in advance.

The Report and Government Response will be debated in Westminster Hall from 2.30-5.30 pm on Thursday 29 January. This debate is open to the public.

Copies of both these Reports can be obtained from the date of publication from TSO outlets and from the Parliamentary Bookshop, 12 Bridge Street, Parliament Square, London SW1A 2JX (020 7219 3890) by quoting the appropriate HC numbers. The text of the Special Report will also be available via the Committee's internet homepage: http://www.parliament.uk/commons/selcom/s&thome.htm

[ This Message was edited by: Rick on 2003-12-18 11:25 ]