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Handset settings

Started by Fay, Oct 16, 2008, 20:42:37

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I am not sure if I have put my hanset setting back correctly since France.

for the hour I have put in +01?

for long: 000 05E       lat: 51.24N

I seem to be coming in to my first alignment star too far to the east

Have I keyed the above in correct?

In my Synscan manual it say put a + before East, but I don't know where + is on the keypad, perhaps I never have put it in.   I can't remember.


It is healthier to be mutton dressed as lamb, than mutton dressed as mutton!


Fay - hour should be 00 - we had it set to +1 in France... John


That would explain it John. It is way off with first alignment star but ok on the next.

I was sure I had it on +1 before we went.

It is healthier to be mutton dressed as lamb, than mutton dressed as mutton!


No I think it should be set to 00 & Daylight Saving to YES - then when clocks go back Daylight Saving set to NO. When we were in France we had it set to +01 & Daylight Saving YES which effectively meant a 2hr time difference to GMT.



Yes, I was getting the two confused. I'm glad it is sorted out.
It is healthier to be mutton dressed as lamb, than mutton dressed as mutton!


One way I have sorted out irritating timing issues like that is to simply unlock the clutch and manually move the scope in RA only till it is pointing at the correct start. Then do the alignment process from there.
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