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NGC2841 - Galaxy in Ursa Major - LRGB

Started by Roberto, Jan 11, 2024, 18:27:35

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As we all know, weather has been dismal over the last - well - forever but at least since November...I have been working on a 2x2 mosaic of a large object and on either side have been adding time to two "secondary targets".  NGC2841 is the early morning secondary target which is now finished (I've given up acquiring more data).

It's a lovely unbarred spiral in Ursa Major about 46M ly away.  Quite large at 150K ly of diameter.  There's a nice, compact, cluster of galaxies towards the top right which I found was called ACO 773 and it lies close to 3 billion light years away from us.  Check the annotated version at the astrobin link below.

NGC2841 - LRGB - wide field

Details here: https://www.astrobin.com/tze8j7/C/

Dates: 19 Nov 2023, 10 Dec 2023, 20 Dec 2023, 7 Jan 2024, 10 - 11 Jan 2024
Frames: OSC - 82×300″(6h 50′), L - IDAS LPS-P2 50 mm: 48×600″(8h)
Integration: 14h 50′

Full resolution here:  https://cdn.astrobin.com/thumbs/UhKAsty3mL3N_16536x0_UyysOTOH.jpg

Crop of the central galaxy here: 


Dave A


That's a great image- incredible it is 3 billion light years away!!
Remember- we are the Universe and the Universe is us

The Thing

The weather has been a pig, forecasts change and clouds roll in at the drop of a hat at the moment. Last night I got the roof open and the sequence running and just as I was about to start taking images, it clouded over!

Perseverance pays though. You got some lovely detail, I like the little galaxy cluster at the bottom as well. The full size version is amazing.


Really good Roberto, you get some excellent resolution on the close ups.


Thank you All!  If only the clouds went away... :cry:



Yeah, the clouds have been a bit tedious so far this year. My meteor cameras have caught a few meteors through gaps in cloud, but there's been very little clear sky: A few hours for the Quadrantids in the early hours of January 4th, a couple of hours on the morning and evening of January 6th, A reasonable(-ish) night on January 9th to 10th, and that's about it....