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New Forum

Started by Ian, Aug 03, 2004, 17:06:00

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As you may have noticed, we have a new forum placed in Astronomy called "In the news".

I've moved a number of the recent news posts into it.

Better? Worse? Let me know.



oh, and just to pre-empt any questions about it, I can't currently reorder the fora in a given category (in this case Astronomy) I'll have to have a hack at the database to do it, probably...


You read my mind :wink:

I've skimmed a few of the forums and shifted a few more articles.

If you're going to spend some time hacking, there's always phpBB version 2.0.10 ... GD&R...

[ This Message was edited by: Rick on 2004-08-03 11:44 ]


An excellent idea. Now why was it not thought of before?