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M27 Dumbell DSC.

Started by Mac, Aug 24, 2009, 14:29:34

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 :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:
Finally nailed the guiding.
Cheers Robert for the advice, on setting the guiding up and the processing.

And here is the results. :lol:

6 * Lu at 5min guided.
3 Ha @ 5min   Red
2 Hb @ 5min   Blue
1 Oiii @5 min   Green

i still need to do more subs on the ha, hb & oiii but the result is ok.

Mac, 8)


Looking good Mac my man.... Stars are nice and round. So was this using the camera lens & adaptors that we sorted out...? There will be no stopping you now.....

Good job,  John


QuoteSo was this using the camera lens & adaptors that we sorted out

aye that it was.
Robert sorted the guiding out by increasing the slew time so that the image moved far enough.


Great result Mac, glad you are good to go!
It is healthier to be mutton dressed as lamb, than mutton dressed as mutton!


Awesome man, with more subs that'll be a cracker!



Great image Mac !

As some further suggestions in MaximDL try the following before DDP if you haven't already:

Get rid of any fine gradients:
    Filter->Auto Remove Gradient on each stacked channel.

Background looks a bit green to my eyes but it could be these contact lenses!
    Color->Colour balance - Background level = Auto and Scaling% = Mouse (click on a star but you may need to play around with this!)

Hope that helps


Very nice but not sure about the green background.
We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology. Carl Sagan


Oh, and you could flatten the noise on the Background a little bit more by moving the brightness for the black point a little higher, I read about the technique in astrophoto insight magazine in an article by Noel Carboni, been using it on all my images lately, really helps flatten things.


Rocket Pooch

Well done Mac your in business now :-)

I agree the green needs to come down a bit.



Nice one Mac!  You've got good sharp stars there at 5 minute exposures - that guiding is working well.

Horrible green background and a few hot pixels but that's no problem at all.  Your data is very good so you'll be able enjoy experimenting with the processing to get a great looking image out of that.
