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Our 10th Planet has a Moon !!

Started by Mike, Oct 03, 2005, 10:50:47

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The astronomers who in July announced the discovery of a "10th planet" in our Solar System say the object has a moon.

The new development comes as a result of observations made with the Keck Observatory on Mauna Kea, Hawaii.

We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology. Carl Sagan


S/2005 (2003 UB313) 1
Mike Brown, California Institute of Technology, on behalf of the
adaptive-optics team at Keck Observatory, reports on CBET 240 the
discovery of a satellite of the transneptunian object 2003 UB313 (see
also TA E-Circular 2134) on six 60-s exposures taken on 2005 Sept. 10.52
UT with the "Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics" system at the Keck II

The satellite was found to be about 4.43 magnitudes fainter than the
primary and to be separated 0".53 from the primary in PA275.