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Timelapse video of the aurora of 10th/11th May 2024 as seen from Dursley

Started by Rick, May 16, 2024, 12:37:33

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I've uploaded timelapse videos of the aurora captured on the night of 10th/11th May 2024 by the automatic cameras I have watching the sky from home to YouTube, here:

https://youtu.be/92wchZJUOr0 is from my north-facing colour sky camera
https://youtu.be/V89UxI9MSFI is from my north-east facing meteor camera
https://youtu.be/t5BvsAKdKqY is from my north-north-west facing meteor camera

There's a bonus fireball in one frame at about 0:52 in that last video.

Irritatingly, the colour video is a bit jumpy in places, because the camera seems to get stuck from time to time.

The two meteor cameras are, obviously, tweaked for capturing meteors, and the aurora was just a bit of serendipity. The sky camera is mainly for weather-watching, but managed to catch something of the aurora. I should look into tweaking it a bit to see whether I can get a better view of things like aurora after dark.

The aurora did cause the meteor detection cameras a bit of difficulty, but a few meteors got caught through the light show, like this one:



Absolutely stunning Rick.

I need to speak to Raf as to how I can get one of these videos onto the members images.  If all else fails I will do some screen shots



I can send you the *.mp4 files to save you fighting with video downloads from YouTube, if that helps...


That would be helpful Rick can't show them all but just send the best one (or two)


The Thing
