Orpington Astronomical Society

Astronomy => Astrophotography => Topic started by: Daniel on Aug 05, 2008, 17:16:02

Title: M57 180s ISO 800
Post by: Daniel on Aug 05, 2008, 17:16:02
Hi all, just a quick image I did last night, I went for a bright target because it was quite cloudy, and i couldn't expose for as long, but later on it cleared up and I wished I'd have tried a harder target.

anyway, this time it really is M57, i know the background is quite dark, but this genuinely isn't far off of how dark the resulting image came out anyway, i had to knock things back to prevent burning out the nebula.

Title: Re: M57 180s ISO 800
Post by: RobertM on Aug 05, 2008, 18:59:41
That's a very nice image Daniel and good detail in the ring especially considering the scale.  What's a little strange to me is how some stars have red rims and some haven't !

I just knew I should have stayed up longer - you have to take the good nights when you can !
Title: Re: M57 180s ISO 800
Post by: Mike on Aug 05, 2008, 19:08:33
Equipment and exposure details please?
Title: Re: M57 180s ISO 800
Post by: Daniel on Aug 05, 2008, 20:50:49
The wierd coloured stars may be my fault, I used the increase star colour action from noels tools.

Equipment used are as follows:-

Meade 12" SCT mounted on CGE guided with 80ED and DSI
exposures were 120 seconds at ISO 800, I'll have to check how many i stacked when i get home as im at work right now

EDIT:- Just got home and found it was 24x 120s ISO 800

Oh, and that's with CLS filter on imaging cam and 2x Barlow on guide cam