Orpington Astronomical Society

Astronomy => Astrophotography => Topic started by: Rick on Aug 28, 2007, 14:05:34

Title: This year's other lunar eclipse...
Post by: Rick on Aug 28, 2007, 14:05:34
This time it was their turn to see a lunar eclipse... ;)

See http://dmmaus.livejournal.com/332035.html

QuoteAfter most people had left my work today, I grabbed the Canon EF400 f/2.8L*1 lens from our lens-testing lab, the heaviest tripod I could find, and a handy camera, and set them up on the roof of the company car-park.

*1 I think that's one of these (http://www.canon.co.uk/For_Home/Product_Finder/Cameras/EF_Lenses/Fixed_Focal_Length/EF_400mm_f28LIS_USM/index.asp).

(Moved to Astrophotography, as it's not really a News story...)
Title: Re: This year's other lunar eclipse...
Post by: Rick on Aug 29, 2007, 14:40:15
...and now he's added the obligatory eclipse montage:

(http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1348/1262561218_775249a60e_m.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/dmmaus/1262561218/)

It's interesting that this eclipse seems to have been a pretty good colour-match for the one we saw earlier in the year...
Title: Re: This year's other lunar eclipse...
Post by: Tony G on Aug 29, 2007, 19:01:26
WOW! :surprised:

That's some montage, it's nearly as good as Chris and John'sfrom back in March,

http://forum.orpington-astronomy.org.uk/index.php?topic=2206.0 (http://forum.orpington-astronomy.org.uk/index.php?topic=2206.0)

Can you imagine the images if they had a £6000 lens laying around. :roll:

Tony G
Title: Re: This year's other lunar eclipse...
Post by: Rick on Aug 29, 2007, 22:48:27
Yeah, but I guess that's what you get for being a physicist working in one of Canon's optical labs. :)

What he didn't have was a mount capable of guiding, and his image of totality does show very slight star-trails, which hs presumably also blurred the image of the Moon.