Orpington Astronomical Society

Astronomy => Alerts! Questions? Discussions... => Topic started by: Tony G on Sep 08, 2005, 21:26:58

Title: ISS
Post by: Tony G on Sep 08, 2005, 21:26:58
just watched the ISS pass directly overhead.
Magnificent and very clear.

It passes overhead tomorrow night (9th Sept) again at 21.47 right past M57
Title: ISS
Post by: Mike on Sep 08, 2005, 21:47:38
You are pretty much guaranteed to see it any night as it orbits so fast. I take it you got the data from Heavens Above ?
Title: ISS
Post by: Tony G on Sep 09, 2005, 21:42:59
No Mike,
I got the info from Starry Night Backyard CDRom from the OAS library, and as you say it does past over quite often about every 90 mins.
Checked on the CDRom and its orbit is more southernly each time it passes, so I was lucky to see it directly overhead last night, more luck than judgement.