"Second light" with the tandem setup and the ASI2600MC Pro. Taken 31 May to 2 June.
https://www.astrobin.com/b27glg/D/?nc=user (https://www.astrobin.com/b27glg/D/?nc=user)
RGB data is only 4hrs; no luminance as the Moon was bright. Ha is 5hrs and OIII is 14.5hrs from 2017 (see here: https://www.astrobin.com/317335/F/ (https://www.astrobin.com/317335/F/)).
See the field of view of the "smaller" G4 in black and white for the Ha: https://www.astrobin.com/full/b27glg/0/ (https://www.astrobin.com/full/b27glg/0/)
Pretty pleased with the performance of the ASI2600 for colour. Tilt and flats are not entirely right yet.
Blimey, there is a trace of the outer perimeter of OU4, Pretty amazing from Petts wood and RGB, I understood it was an Oiii only element.
Out of interest, what F ratio are your telescopes?
Was wondering whether to give it a try with my Samyang lens which is imaging at f2.8 and I can up it to F2 as well for the Oiii element.
OU4 is only OIII. It is superimposed on the RGB/Ha data (and it's from 3 years ago). Apologies, my post was not clear enough.
Wide field lenses work very well on OU4 though. Some of the most striking pictures I've seen of it are in wide field shots. Go for it with your Samyang please!
QuoteWide field lenses work very well on OU4 though. Some of the most striking pictures I've seen of it are in wide field shots. Go for it with your Samyang please!
Thanks Roberto, will wait for the next opportunity, this target rises late for me as I have to wait for it to clear the rooftops.
Very nice - the squid is certainly beginning to appear. What a result, given your location.
The squid is certainly a tricky thing to capture, hopefully getting some more data is part of the master plan :)
Thank you Mark,Robert.
No more squid for me. I've moved on to do my first mosaic using the tandem setup: a galaxy, a cluster and a Barnard object. Let's see how it turns out...
Quote from: Roberto on Jun 12, 2020, 23:55:52
Thank you Mark,Robert.
No more squid for me. I've moved on to do my first mosaic using the tandem setup: a galaxy, a cluster and a Barnard object. Let's see how it turns out...
Sounds like my next project in Cepheus !
Here's a reprocess of my original data for Sh2-129 and OU4 from 2017. The OIII data is exactly the same as I had used for the above and my original version in 2017. The wonders of the new stretching tools in PixInsight: https://ghsastro.co.uk/information/ (https://ghsastro.co.uk/information/)
Original version: https://www.astrobin.com/317335/F/ (https://www.astrobin.com/317335/F/)
New version, no more data, just different stretching technique: https://www.astrobin.com/317335/G/ (https://www.astrobin.com/317335/G/)
I suppose I could brighten the "squid" even more (and the overall image too) but noise would become too apparent and since I didn't have any new data, I don't think it's justified.
That's quite amazing Roberto. I struggled to get decent Squid data (and failed) even at DSC. even with my Samyang.
Excellent Photo looks challenging