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A few more from last night

Started by RobertM, Apr 17, 2016, 19:00:19

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Jupiter, I think I need much more sampling for this ?

The Eastern edge of Mare Nubium with the large crater Ptolemaeus and Rupes recta (ridge):

A heavily cratered area of the moon including the craters Clavius and Tycho:

Region centred on Sinus Aestuum including Copernicus and Eratosthenes:

Note to self - must check the histograms for saturation !

Some if these are rotated for which I'm blaming Flickr - it doesn't seem to rotate the base image !



An excellent set of images.  The moon shots look particularly good.



You are really doing some good work already with your new scope Robert!

Note to oneself.....get my finger out!

It is healthier to be mutton dressed as lamb, than mutton dressed as mutton!


Thank you.

I tried Jupiter again last night but the seeing was very turbulent.



looks like your enjoying your new scope robert. has to be less hassle than deep sky stuff...

The Thing

Those images look great. You probably need some sort of PowerMate to get a good image scale on Jupiter or other planets but this scope would capture the Mercury transit really nicely if you have a big bit of Baader film. Nice scope, it's got me looking at Newts again.


Thanks John/Duncan.

I was using a x2 barlow, I'd tried my x5 Powermate but the conditions just weren't good enough.  A x3 or x4 might be better and give me about 3.5-4.5m focal length or alternatively go for smaller pixels.  I really need a site away from all this central heating... sigh !

Newts are great Duncan but they are BIG - mine is two and a half times the length of a C11 and half (at least) as much weight again - no wonder SC's are so popular !



Quote from: RobertM
Newts are great Duncan but they are BIG

The ones living in our pond aren't that big.



You really have changed tack, now Robert. I think planets, Moon have become fashionable, looking on the internet. it is a nice change
It is healthier to be mutton dressed as lamb, than mutton dressed as mutton!