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Jupiter Friday evening 1 April 2016

Started by MarkS, Apr 03, 2016, 21:17:29

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The first shows Jupiter with Io, Europa and Europa's shadow. 1000 frames at 15 frames /second

The second was taken 2 hours later and shows the red spot.  1700 frames at 15 frames/sec

Both using the Imaging Source DBK21AU04 on a Celestron C11 with x2 Barlow.  The seeing was OK some of the time so these are the best of a bad night.  The sky also clouded over between the first and second images.

Stacked using AutoStakkert!2, RGB registered in Registax then deconvolved using my own software.



That's amazing detail !

What's the line near the right hand edge of the planet caused by ?




Quote from: RobertM
That's amazing detail !

What's the line near the right hand edge of the planet caused by ?


It's a "ringing" artifact caused by the deconvolution.  There's another artefact, a bright halo around the Europa's shadow, which again is a ringing artifact.  Both caused by the severity of the adjustments I had to perform to extract this level of detail.


The Thing

Really nice Mark. Seeing can be a bummer, my last run I got the framerate up to 100fps for some captures to see if I could get some really lucky 'frozen seeing' frames but stacking only the best 10% (still 2000 frames). It made a little improvement but not vast over my more usual 30fps and use 50% of the frames.

I tried Decon on my image and it produced a more defined image but the noise increased a lot as well.

As to the ringing, you can use the de-ringing function in Registax but that tends to de-ring darker parts of the planet as well! I now just move the black point on the Registax levels until the dark ring 'just' disappears. Crude but effective and easy to apply the same setting to multiple images as you can save the curve.


Quote from: The Thing
I tried Decon on my image and it produced a more defined image but the noise increased a lot as well.

That's always a potential problem.  Send me your raw stack and I'll give it a go.
